G. SOLARI, Il ruolo del vento nei grandi attraversamenti marini e fluviali, Invited Lecture at the Giornata di Studio sui Collegamenti Stabili nel Mediterraneo e Ponte di Messina,
Novedrate Ecampus, Italy
6 July
G. SOLARI, Conference Invited Lecture: Solari, G. (2018). Wind engineering and atmospheric sciences: boundaries and co-operations. [dis]solving boundaries, Young Bauhaus Research Conference 2018, Weimar, Germany
4 September
G. SOLARI, Conference Keynote Lecture: Solari, G. (2018). Detection, modelling and simulation of thunderstorm downbursts. 3th International Workshop on Tornado and windstorm damage assessment, Wiener Neustadt, Austria
12 September
G. SOLARI, Conference Keynote Lecture: Solari, G. (2018). Mixed climatology, non-synoptic phenomena and downburst wind loading of structures. International Conference of the Italian National Association for Wind Engineering, Naples, Italy
12 September
M. BURLANDO, Conference presentation: Burlando, M., Romanic, D., Hangan, H., Solari, G. (2018). Wind tunnel experimentation on stationary downbursts at WindEEE Dome. International Conference of the Italian National Association for Wind Engineering, Naples, Italy
18 October
G. SOLARI, Dynamic response of structures to thunderstorm outflows, Keynote Lecture at the International Conference on Base for introducing talents to discipline of high-performance wind energy system and effective operation of wind farm (HPWES), Chonqing, China.
20 October
G. SOLARI, Dynamic alongwind, crosswind and torsional response of slender structures, Chongqing, invited lecture at the 16th International Advanced School on Wind Engineering (IAS16), China.
21 October
G. SOLARI, Thunderstorm loading and response of structures, Chongqing, invited lecture at the 16th International Advanced School on Wind Engineering (IAS16), China.
23 October
G. SOLARI, Detection, simulation, modelling and loading of thunderstorm outflows to design wind-safer and cost-efficient structures, Invited Opening Lecture at the 2018 CSU (Central South University) Wind Engineering International Workshop, Changsha, China.
25 October
G. SOLARI, Mixed climatology, non-synoptic phenomena and downburst wind loading of structures, invited lecture at the Tamkang Univeristy, Taipei, Taiwan.